How Large Unsecured Loans for Bad Credit Management Is Possible

Posted by 24h Loans blog

Who can be surprised that when it comes to seeking large loans, the chances of getting approval with a bad credit rating are pretty slim. Lenders like to be cautious, but that is not to say that getting large unsecured loans for bad credit management is impossible.

What makes this kind of loan accessible is the strength of an application. This involves not just meeting the basic criteria, but understanding what the lenders actually look out for. If the right boxes are ticked, and the lenders is convinced they can trust the borrower, then it is possible to get loan approval secured fast - though not guaranteed.

Of course, traditional lenders tend to have quite strict lending criteria and approval policies, so something like a $25,000 unsecured loan stands a very poor chance of getting the green light. Online lenders are much more likely to approve these loans, but even with the chances so much improved, applicants must be willing to make some compromises.

How Influential is a Credit History?

Most people believe that the key hurdle to approval of a large unsecured loan for bad credit management is the credit history of an applicant. This is actually not true, with credit histories having some but not a decisive influence in the assessment procedure. The issue comes down to simple mathematics, with a credit score affecting the interest rate to be charged.

For example, the interest rate to be charged when a score is high, like 700, is significantly less than if the score were low, like 620. This rate is, in turn, lower than if the score was very poor, at perhaps 450. Seeing loan approval secured fast depends on either an excellent credit history, or a lender who applies no credit checks.

The interest rate charged is what effectively decides whether a loan is affordable or not. On a $25,000 unsecured loan, the interest could be very high, with as much as $500 required in monthly repayments over 5 years. An excellent credit score will lower the rate, reducing that repayment to $400.

The Significance of the Loan Term

It is often overlooked, but the term of a loan can be the aspect that makes it affordable. It is especially true for large unsecured loans for bad credit borrowers, where income is the sole security that borrowers can offer lenders. Keeping the repayments as low as possible is the surest way of avoiding defaults.

The simple mechanics of the loan term is that the principal owed is spread over a greater number of months. For example, a $10,000 loan over 2 months means $10,000 is divided into 24 shares ($417 each month), but over 60 months the share for each month is much lower ($167). Interest added afterwards decides on the full monthly repayment sum, but the lower that sum is the better the chance of seeing loan approval secured fast.

So, for a $25,000 unsecured loan, the longer the lifetime of the loan, the more likely it is to get an approval. But the compromise is that, with a longer term, the amount of interest paid is much more.

The Significance of the Right Lender

Finally, finding the right lender plays a major part in getting approval on a large unsecured loan for bad credit management purposes. With traditional lenders, like banks, there are strict policies that can often rule applicants out immediately. However, online lenders are more open to those with poor credit scores.

What is more, getting loan approval secured fast is more likely because most online lenders offer no credit check procedures, so a credit score has no influence at all. Even when it comes to large loans, like a $25,000 unsecured loan, there is a willingness to be flexible with repayment schedules etc.

Joycelyn Crawford is an expert in Easy Loans for Bad Credit and Easy Home Loans. Visit her site at

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